WNTT offers live country, bluegrass and gospel 6 days a week. Tune in each morning Mon.-Sat.,, 6-10 am for the Good Morning Neighbor Show with George McGhee and Dr. Bruce Bunch!
bullet AP Network News at the top of every hour!
bullet Local news and weather, 24 hours a day!
bullet One of our most popular shows, The Trading Post, where you can buy, sell or trade to your heart’s content- three times a day on WNTT! Tune in at 7:30 am, 11:30 am and 4:30 pm Mon-Fri. and at 11:30 am Sat. If you have something to sell, trade or give away, just call us at (423)626-4203 or fax us at 626-3040! A community favorite for 40 years!
bullet A recent addition that’s really going over big, The Old Time Country Hour! Mon.-Fri., from 12noon-1 pm on WNTT! Call in your requests to George McGhee Mon.-Thurs. and on Fridays, a local favorite, Buster Turner joins us for an hour of classic country and bluegrass!
bullet Blue Devil football and Blue Devil and Lady Blue Devil basketball w/John Roy and Brady Cupp!
bullet Join your host George McGhee every Thursday from 4-4:30 pm for Job Search. George gives you the latest job opportunities in the Tri-State area, courtesy of the local Office of Economic Development!
bullet Tune in Saturdays, from 4-4:30 pm for the Fred Dalton Show! Fred plays all your favorites, plus some of his great original songs!
bullet Don’t forget Saturday Evening Bluegrass and Country with Buster Turner, live from Turner Music in New Tazewell- every Sat. from 7 til 8 pm on WNTT!
bullet Sundays are special here at WNTT- gospel programming all day long on Sundays!