4 bedroom house for rent in Greer Estates- ph. 626-6023.
2 bedroom mobile home for rent- ph. 626-2164.
Someone will do babysitting in their home- ph. 626-5952.
Someone will do all types of sewing and upholstery- ph. 626-8263.
22 cu. ft. upright freezer for sale- ph. 626-8897.
Used living room suite for sale- ph. 869-4238.
2002 model go cart for sale- ph. 626-9375.
Camper for sale for $600- ph. 626-2723.
’89 Dodge 3/4 ton truck for sale- ph. 626-3249.
’87 Toyota pickup for $800- ph. 626-2723.
Kittens to give away- ph. 626-7933.
Puppies to give away- ph. 626-2099.